Tuesday, July 27, 2021

BYC 2021, week 2, Friday

 Today one of our songs was "Sleep Song". It's a little bit of a lullaby followed by an "alarm clock" and a peppy getting-ready-for-school section.  And there happens to be some lyrics where I might confuse the kids for dolphins, or bumble bees, or puppies....and you can see their reactions.  

Walking to art time...hand in hand.

Art choices today included:

Straw painting
Finger print art
Wikki Stix sculptures

Eliza found an inch worm hanging on its silk thread.  A few kids enjoyed looking and holding it too.

After art time we went on a nature walk seeking tiny treasures:
 leaves, petals, grasses, and such of different shapes and colors now preserved 
(for a little while at least) in a window hanging.

Next we practiced our play, danced under the dancing tree, 
and got ready for you all to come watch our performance!

Lovely scenery...and a tree, as promised. :)

Thanks for joining us this week and have a wonderful summer!

From all of us, Taylor, Chloe, Eliza, Tyler, Michael, Miss Katie, and Charlotte in front.

BYC 2021, week 2, Thursday

 Happy Thursday!

Today's projects included:

Object prints
Dream catchers
(more of an experience than a take-home project)

Once in a while we take off like rockets...it's always fun to catch on film.

After art time we practiced our play and painted the scenery.
We've found the garage is a great place...not too windy, and it's flatter than painting murals over grass.

The green and brown "free painting" will be cut up and turned into a tree for the monkeys in the story.
We don't do much (any?) coloring-book style work at BYC, besides this mural. 
And wow, the kids are so dedicated and focused!

Next, our musical instruments came out...including the teachers' instruments!
We played "Old MacDonald Had a Band" together and did a little "marching band" song around the yard.

Looking forward to tomorrow! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

10 Year Anniversary Party!


It's almost time to celebrate our 10 year anniversary party for Back Yard Club!

We are so happy to have been having camp for so long!

Families of students and helpers are all welcome to come join us this Saturday anytime between 1:30 and 4:30.

We can't wait to see you in our back yard again!

Here is the link to the evite and make sure to RSVP! http://evite.me/cnKRE963bv

BYC 2021, week 2, Wednesday

 Today's project choices were:

Butterfly painting
Lacing cards
Bean collages
Wall pockets

Lauren is showing Michael her butterfly.

How sweet is this?

We got out some spring-themed stamps to decorate our wall pockets.

After our snack we headed out for a nature walk where we looked for bugs.  We checked the wild prairie area, under an old log, a hidden ant colony, that wasp nest, and around the bark on tree trunks.  We then worked on drawing the bugs we saw in our tiny bug books. 

We were camera-free for a while, but you can enjoy some of the teacher's sample bug drawings.

We had a water break, a potty break!, and ended activities under the dancing tree with "Hurry Scurry" from Sweden. This tune starts slow and moves faster and faster and leaves us all worn out, collapsed on the ground!  See if your kids remember how to do this: heel heel heel heel, clap, turn around (repeat).

We are having a great time exploring art, nature, and music.
Thanks for being here, we are looking forward to tomorrow.