Welcome to Back Yard Club!
Each day we have stories and songs at the rug, followed by 45 minutes of free-choice art projects. Besides the choices you see below, we always have painting, along with crayon, chalk, and dry erase drawing at the easels under the tent.
Today our art project choices were
Veggie prints
Lacing cards
Eye Masks
Clay free play

Charlotte is my youngest child...we started BYC when she was 6 months old!
Here she is officially a helper. Ready and waiting for some veggie printers to come along!

After projects we indulge in our snacks and chatting together.

Next we went on a "See and Draw" nature walk. We saw a tiny toad,

lots of frogs,

and moths! We also took a close look at some native Wisconsin plants out front, porcupine sedge and soft rush. You'll see some of these plants and animals (and more!) in your child's drawing booklet.
On our way back, we played Jump the River, such a fun game for all ages...try it with your family.

After reading our story we will act out for you this Friday (The Gunniwolf), we did some dancing! Our songs included the classic Chicken Dance (by popular request) and some Wiggles songs! Here we are doing our best tigers!
We had so much fun today! Can't wait until tomorrow!
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