Friday, July 26, 2019

BYC 2019, week 2, Friday

Welcome to Friday!

Today our art project choices were

foil painting
wood medallion necklaces
paper bag puppets
white putty, coil pots and bugs (and free play)

We are blasting off like rockets for snack time!

After snack we played with the parachute and then painted with water!  
Painting with water is easy and relaxing!  Try it at home!

Painting our painted rocks :)

This group was trying to cover the whole driveway.

If you're tired of wearing your name tag...give it to Eliza, I guess!

For our folk dancing we danced some classics... London Bridge and Ring around the Rosie.

We are all set up and ready for our play!

Thank you for participating in a week of Back Yard Club!  We had a wonderful time with your kids!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

BYC 2019, week 2, Thursday

 Today's art project choices were

marble painting
lacing cards
woodsies puppets
clay--pinch pots with lids

We practiced "scoring and slipping" to adhere the handles to the lids, 
but please add glue if they fall off.

After snack we painted the scenery for our play together! 

Next we went on a scavenger hunt in 3 groups.  Check out what we found at the front table.

This group is busy busy!

These guys took a moment to be still and watch...hoping to spot a squirrel.

These guys checked "frog" off the list.

Janora started as our first jumper in the middle for "Floating Down the River."

By the end, everybody is jumping!

Every day a helper or two is working behind the scenes delivering projects.   I felt like Abby was stuffing stockings today. :)

BYC 2019, week 2, Wednesday

Abby started us off with some stories today.

Our art choices were:

marble painting
nature sticks 
(a native american this tall in your soil somewhere to thank the earth for its gifts!)
eye masks
clay free-play

Some time to read

Today we returned to the nature centers with "sketch books" and worked on drawing what we saw!

We had a great time dancing the dances we've learned!  We also practiced our play.  I don't want to give too much away, but here is a sneak preview of the big bad wolves running away with burnt tails!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

BYC 2019, week 2, Tuesday

Tyler started us off with a couple books as the kids rolled in this morning.

And we sang one of our favorites, "The Sleep Song," which is full of sleeping...and then a very bouncy getting ready for school scene!

Today's art project choices were:

painting with forks
weaving on the giant looms
salt dough free-play

If the kids finish the projects and have some spare time we have nonfiction "nature books" they can look at.  Here we have a little gathering with Jordan learning about animals.

After snack time we explored our nature centers. Your kids checked out rocks, fossils, petrified wood, nests, bark, seeds, snake skin, an animal bone and teeth, bugs, cicada exoskeletons, and more.

We also practiced our story and did some Folk Dancing.  Today we added a Swedish dance called 7 Jumps.