Thursday, July 21, 2016

BYC 2016, week 2, Thursday


Today's projects 

Veggie prints
Giant nature loom
Sand art
Salt Dough (to leave here)

Today is Bria's birthday!  
Bria loved weaving the long nature treasures through the loom.

Just as we were winding down for snack the black clouds rolled in.
We saw the signs and headed to the basement for some inside fun!

Away from the thunder and rain
(we couldn't even hear it from there) ...

We danced!  The kids learned "Les Salut" a folk dance from France.  We also did a Swedish dance called, "Hurry Scurry."  Next was an American folk dance, "Jump Jim Joe."  We also danced "Floating Down the River."

We also explored our nature center.  We brought out 2 birds nests, a snake skin, some feathers, smooth bark, long brown seed pods that shake like maracas, and pine cones.  The pine cones were attached to our bean frames to make a frame full of lots of kinds of seeds.

Last, we got out instruments and played along to
 "Old MacDonald had a Band" and other songs.

1 comment:

  1. Old MacDonald had a band was apparently a hit for our girls. They told me all about it when we left your house.
